a kid'll eat ivy too
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
it was fine! hawt kiritar :o


Gotham sat down as Mati did, still staring at the cocoon. If this was all a joke, the female was taking it very far. The story was still all so fantastical, but the Captain was explaining it with such certainty and persuasion. The raven boy's eyebrows remained furrowed as he thought about the things she was saying. It was an absolutely absurd thing, to go to bed one day and wake up the next with wings! The idea of time scales was odd to him, too, and because he had not yet seen a winter he didn't know that the flowers and the bugs that lived on them would not last through the snowy months. He imagined that they lived just as long as wolves did, which as far as he knew lived forever. Growing up in a single night seemed ridiculous compared to the constant growing that the pup and his sisters were doing. There was a tinge of sadness in him when he learned that the butterfly would never be able to turn back into a butterfly, but being a butterfly was a much more elegant way to live, anyway.

The analogy to wolves shifting helped a little, putting in perspective the massive changes that could happen in just a few moments. He hadn't really thought of it that much, but changing from four legs to two was quite a big change, maybe even more than the caterpillar growing wings. The boy huffed out a sigh. Perhaps, just maybe, he could accept the idea. There were some things that he was still concerned about, though, and he would have to find a way to make sure that this would actually happen to Mister Green. Maybe, when there were lots of butterflies out, he would go looking for caterpillars. If there were no caterpillars, they might just all be butterflies, and the metamorphosis would most certainly be more believable to the pup.

There were, of course, details that were puzzling to him. If Mister Green actually made a little house like that, it was quite a feat. Gotham had no clue what it was made out of; unlike the house that he lived in, it wasn't made of wood and metal. Finally taking his eyes off of the little structure, he looked back up to Mati and asked quietly, "How does he make the house?"


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