[M] - you said that you were lonely
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... etable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #0069B3 solid; font-size: 9px;">

Glee! =D 430 words.

Taking the bottle, she studied the liquid inside oddly, wondering how a drink could possibly make you feel good, as she had drank plenty of things and none had made her feel better or worse. Raising the bottle to her lips, Princess swallowed some of the liquid quickly, a short burst of fire in her throat. "I don't feel any better than I did," she announced, looked at the bottle as if it had offended her. Unfortunately, not being well-versed in the ways of alcohol and its effects on the body, Princess was not aware of how much was necessary to begin to feel it - and that was much more than the little sip she had taken - and how it affected her body and way of thinking. Instead of this knowledge helping her to think rationally, her lack of information caused her to drink more of the bitter liquid, drinking what she could until the bitterness became sweet. Still, the girl felt no different.

She would tumble down far soon, surely, and already she was feeling warmer than before, blood vessels constricting as a result of the alcohol and making her feel light-headed. His excitement was contagious, and she broke out in a grin, almost embarassed. "I'm not really a princess. . . But I should be! But that's my name; Princess. Are you really a knight?" she asked, awe-filled. That was very exciting! She didn't know what Sir Haven could possibly protect her from, but he was very correct in what he said, since she was a beautiful Princess. Taking another sip from the bottle, she leant down and clumsily put it on the floor so the remaining liquid would not spill. She didn't think she would be drinking much more of it, since she was feeling weird by now, being such a light weight drinker.

"And what, Siiir Haven, are you going to protect pretty-little-me from?" She leaned closer to him, her eyes gleaming with the question, as it was a very important question. Haven had offered to protect her, since it was a Knight's job to protect a Princess, and he said he was a Knight, and she was most definitely a Princess (if not by nature, then simply by name, and she could use that to her advntage). Damn right she was a princess, and she would be crazy not to let everyone know that. Maybe she could go find some of those people that had been rude to her (in her biased eyes) and rub it in their faces. . . Later. Much, so very much, later.


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