You shine brighter than the sun
Pendzez seemed a bit surprised to see that Xeris wasn't really that far away. He was not far from her. How wonderful to see her there. He didn't have to go too far just to check up on her. He started to have that thought again about her. He was starting to get nervous about just saying it to her. She looked like she hasn't been in a relationship with anyone else before, so not only that she'll be new at the whole concept, she might not be able to understand how to do it. Pendzez was still relatively new at it himself, despite being with Allegro before.

He removed the thought again as Pendzez stood before Xeris, while she asked about his day so far. Pendzez has a good time. He was just busy walking around the pack, getting some air and just trying to pass the time. He had been recently to the city in the south, where he found a masamune, perfect condition. He also found some old Japanese scrolls there that told of history. "I've been doing well. How about you?"

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