Try to let go of the truth, battle for your youth
ooc: --

Mael watched Vigi look the way he had walked, andHe supposed it was to check where she was. Even though the distance, he could clearly see the tiny path that would lead to Miss Forget-me-Not. The male spoke, saying he couldn't see her. Well, not even himself could, but that was alright.

Mael Jumped off the stone he had been sitting and gave a few steps toward his friend's location. Looking over his shoulder, he stared at the male before speaking, his childish smile always there, kind and warm. Cheerful. "Come! I'll take you to her.", he said, looking away from the other mix. Not checking if the other male would follow, he went to his friend once again. In a few seconds, there she weas, as beautiful and fragile as she had been the last - and first - time he saw her. That sure was good.

She bowed again, greeting him, and he nodded, answering her with a big smile. Sitting in front of her, his deep sky blue eyes lying on her, he spoke once again. "I want to introduce you to someone I just met." He said, finally looking back. "Be careful to don't step on her, okay?" He warned, not yet sure if the male was or not behind him. 'It's alright, Mael. I get those things all the time, but you know I'm tough. I can overcome those things.' She said, with a calming tone, her leaves bowing back and forth the slightest, like patting his paws reassuring. He glanced to her and giggled once, a delightful sound chimmering in the air, as good as the amazing sunset in the horizon, getting closer and closer to its end.


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