the devil's water, it ain't so sweet
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Geneva shook her head, her brows furrowed as her mind wound itself around what Mew had said to her. No one had ever mentioned a disappearance to her. And she had never known Phoenix Valley to have any puppies other than Rendall and Addison, who were well into their adult ranks at this time. She had spent time with both girls, and she was certain that Addison at least would have mentioned if she had seen other pups. Geneva frowned as she realized that Mew had probably chosen her words carefully.

"I was not aware of this situation at all," the green eyed woman admitted. It troubled her that she had not heard of this, as it would have been grounds for bad blood between both their packs. The unspoken word hung in the air: kidnapping. Geneva could only imagine how Jefferson would feel if Addison had gone missing. She knew that the one-eyed Patriarch would not have rested until his child was safe with him once again. She could not imagine the woman in front of her feeling any differently. Despite her polite mien, she sensed that there was a core of steel inside her.

The green eyed woman leveled her eyes with the other woman and spoke again. "I will gather information on this issue," Geneva said. Her words neither confirmed her pack's guilt or validated Mew's accusation of a husky in her pack, but it was obvious that Geneva was worried and serious about this. It troubled her greatly. "If you come to Phoenix Valley, call for me, and I will come," she promised.

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