these demon days
Ty chuckled lightly at Jefferson's observation, knowing full well he meant every word of what he said. "Well, that's good to hear...though I never knew you were one for giving compliments." He chuckled again before giving a warm smile to his uncle, or what Ty at least accepted as his uncle. Sure, they weren't related by blood, but Ty didn't need to be related by blood to feel close enough to people to consider them family, and Jefferson was one of the closest. He loved Jefferson like an uncle, a man who was basically one of the role models in his life, despite his temper issues and other assorted issues, Ty still considered the man motivational.

However, Ty could not help but snicker childishly at how Jefferson said his arm acted up, he couldn't help it, it was just a funny thing to hear. "Do you have any idea how old that makes you sound?" He asked with another snicker, folding his arms and giving a casual smirk to Jefferson. His eyes made a quick glance toward Asariel, noticing she was simply watching them. And Ty was okay with that, he didn't overly enjoy being the center of attention, but he didn't despise it either, and he really was too busy talking with his uncle to pay too much attention to it anyway.

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