plastic smile to match your style [p]
[html] ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
i are slow, but you already know i suck! >_>. also i cannot get over how sexy that princess av is you're using. 387 words.

Tokyo was, of course, completely oblivious that there was anything wrong with her daughter, and even to the fact that her son was living in these lands. She thought life was going rather swimmingly - she had her beautiful daughter, who caused no trouble at all, and was climbing steadily up the ranks of this super awesome pack, Dahlia de Mai. Wandering out from her den she headed towards the coast. She had just awoke from a very nice nap, and it wasn't raining! Her fur was still slightly damp from when it was raining earlier, but it was actually dry enough to be sorta puffy. She sort of wanted to brush it, but she didn't feel like shifting and it seemed like an awful lot of effort when the clouds above clearly threatened that this was just a lull, not a real shift in the weather.

Eech. As pretty as the ocean was, she did not much feel like going for a swim. It was too much of a rarity these days to actually be like, dry. She wandered down the beach a little, making a game of walking as close to the ocean as she could without ever being caught by the tide rolling in. Tokyo missed once just barely and scowled, less than pleased; she abandoned the game then, because it was a dumb one if she couldn't even win it. It was okay though, because there was something new to focus on - her daughter had come into sight, sprawled out on the sand.

She called out while too far away to notice the discontent on Princess' face. "Hey, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Which was true. Tokyo hadn't known that her daughter would be around today in particular, but generally speaking she realized that she should probably teach Princess about.. ew, sex sometime. It was a subject that had been flitting around her mind some lately, particularly after her pleasant conversation with Haku. It was really something she should know about before any evil guy tried to do it with her. If Ophelia had ever bothered to explain it to Tokyo, maybe she wouldn't have made that mistake with Raphael.. Well, Princess wouldn't have been here, in that case. But still. Tokyo's life would have ended up much better.

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