[M] - you said that you were lonely
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... etable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #0069B3 solid; font-size: 9px;">

417 words.

She smiled at him then, gracing him with such a marvelous sight purely because he was being so kind as to give her a warning about the stuff he had given her to drink. Surely that was enough evidence to prove he really was a knight and only wanted to protect her, because if he didn't, then he would not have warned her about anything, and instead he probably would have simply laughed at her if something bad happened to her. My, Sir Haven was such a good knight, and he was already doing such a good job of protecting pretty princesses like herself. Princess very much appreciated his warning and concern, much more than she would have if he wasn't so cute and nice and if she wasn't feeling so strangely and wonderfully giddy.

"Is it. . . Is it a biiiig sword?" she asked in awe, swooning at the idea. No one she had ever met had ever had a sword! She had seen pictures, of course, being so well-read and intelligent, but she had never seen one in person. This King Jacquez fellow was completely foreign to her, but she didn't mind that so much, since she trusted Sir Haven to only tell her the truth about everything, as that would be a good way for him to treat her. Despite her own silver tongue, Princess had decided that she was just too damn pretty and amazing to lie to. "I bet it is. I bet you would have a really big sword," she continued, her voice deeper, possibly an attempt at being more seductive. It was an interesting attempt at flirting, since she had never done it before, but she was just feeling so good.

For a moment, the girl stayed still, looking into the orange knight's eyes as he did hers. He was so. . . Kind! Yes, that was the word. All he had done so far was share with her, and compliment her, and tell her she was as pretty as a real princess, and offer to protect her. "What are you looking at?" she questioned quietly, keeping her eyes on his without faultering. "What are you thinking about?" It was not the only thing on her mind, but it seemed like she couldn't find a way to keep her mouth shut to allow him time to answer the other question, first. There were so many things she could have said or asked, but even just a few questions seemed to be too many.


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