Exodus 22
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
so i suck, but look, i finally posted! XD; backdating is fine, just lemme know which day specifically so i can have it dated correctly~ 427 words

Tokyo had gone east, just for the hell of it. She felt like leaving her pack-lands for no real reason beyond the fact that she hadn't for a long time. There wasn't much of a point; she was incredibly happy just spending her days idle within the safety and security of a pack. She would have joined one much sooner, had she known how easy it was to reap the benefits while only performing minimal amounts of work! She had been quite worried that she might meet someone on the borders of Dahlia when she left (and thus have to actually do something about it, being Scout), but nope. Luckily, there had been no one. She had tried to stick to the north, purposefully avoiding the pack Phoenix Valley which she knew existed more southerly. That was where she had met brain-fevered Honore, and she had thus concluded that the entire pack was fucking crazy.

But it seemed as if there was a pack up here, another one claiming a piece of the northern coast. It smelled of coyotes. Weirdddd. She vaguely knew that there were coyotes in these parts, as there had been when she was a child, but she hadn't ever actually ran into one. Not for a long time. Not since back when she was with Champ, back when they were scavenging and roving across great distances. Tokyo didn't really care to meet one now, but it wouldn't be a huge deal if she did. She'd never found them particularly any more pleasant or less pleasant than wolves. A bit weird, but a lot of them were Tokyo's size or smaller which was kinda nice. Most wolves were bigger than her.

All possible intentions of being social trailed out of her mind when she saw the stakes marking the border, topped with skulls. Instead of reacting with anything resembling sanity, though, Tokyo was fascinated. The threat soared completely over her head. She didn't understand why these coyotes left these skulls on these sticks, so she had to go investigate. Walking over to the closest one, she wrinkled her nose in distaste at the bleached bone. She couldn't really identify what sort of canine it belonged to by either sight or smell. Pulling the stick out of the ground, she tossed it to the ground. With one foot firmly holding the stick in place, she tugged the skull off the stick. This thing was so gross! She sort of wanted to take it home, to show Princess. See what she thought of these crazy coyotes, haha.

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