I know he'll say that he's in love

It was nice, relieving even, to be around someone who she got along with and who she knew trusted her and was her friend. She felt the same way about Urma and maybe even Kaena now, the coyote and her having had a very long conversation about the old ways...about their families and pups. Things had been done in the past, with Inferni and the wolves, but neither the coyote nor wolf were thinking about those things now. Being out of Crimson Dreams and away from her family had taken a toll on the wolf, but at the same time she had gotten some valuable insight into the ways of others and had remembered things about herself that she hadn't thought about in a long time. Wolves she hadn't thought about in a while.

"It sounds like the perfect place. I need a little peace, after everything that has happened lately. That Jefferson guy, the leader. You said that you'd told him you love him? What happened with that?" She asked. She was keen to know about this male, as well, to gain a little insight into the wolves of Phoenix Valley.


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