you are my sweetest downfall

Savina had never been a lustful creature. Sexual thoughts had practically never entered her head. That was, until, she had met him. When they were together, Kansas brought out a different side of her. It was a side that he alone got to see and it always would be that way. Where she had never craved anything from anyone, she craved him. She desired his touch, his kisses, the feel of his body against her's. Savina loved what he did to her, how he drove her wild. Their relationship was founded on love and trust, but passion was another crucial ingredient and they did not lack that either. The way she yearned for him was like a fire in her veins and that fire was raging in full force right now.

Her heart rate increased at his words. I do too. Gods she needed this. They needed this. It had been so long, far too long. As his kisses began to trail down from her lips the ache inside of her grew. She opened her body up to him, allowing it to be his playground. It was a show of the highest trust. Savina knew that he would not harm her, body or heart. She was his completely and no one else's. Her breathing picked up as his mouth kept moving lower and lower. His teeth nibbling on her skin made her sigh. As he looked back up at her she grinned back down at him, her eyes hazy with arousal. A hand moved to his head, her fingers twining themselves in his hair. She wasn't sure what he had in mind, but she knew that she would enjoy it.


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