The Most Loneliest Day of my Life

504 words. Sorry for the wait!

Vigilante had never been here before, but it was an interesting view, and the sound of the crashing water below was eerie in the back drop. What he had wanted was a change of scenery, a place to spend a few lonely moments lamenting his past actions. Though he chose not to regret what he had done before, he had the tendency to spend some nights mourning his sister and her orphaned children. The situation afterwards was unknown to him, and he chose not to seek an answer to what had happened after he had left that early morning. instead, he chose to mourn his sister in peace, and to think back on their last moments together. She had been beautiful, and so peaceful in death. She had accepted him and what he had to do with the utmost grace and serenity. Because of this, he chose to miss her in his own solitude.

Instead, however, a bent figure ahead caught his attention. Though it was not strange to see others alone, the way she was sitting worried him, for her posture suggested something less than happy. it was entirely possibly that she was doing as he had come here to do, but from all he had learned, he knew that some acted rashly when sad or frightened. With her close proximity to the cliff's edge, Vigilante was not willing to turn the other way and leave her to be alone. There was too much that could happen, and though he had taken lives, he had saved them as well. He knew what could happen more than many others did. Approaching her slowly, Vigilante tried to make sure his feet made some noise so as to not startle her, although this was very strange for him. He usually kept his body and himself silent when moving, but he had seen bad things happen too often.

When he was close enough to her, Vigilante bent down between her and the edge, crouching there and holding himself still. He reached out his hand to touch her arm gently as he asked, "What is it that you're holding, or eating?" The smell of it was peculiar, and it was a plant of some sort, though he did not know the name of it or what it was used for. What he did know of the situation was that the woman looked terrible, and if he turned his back on her now. . . It would be almost like that day, months ago. Six months and a few days, actually. Vigilante could not believe that it had been more than half a year since he had lost his beloved sister, but she seemed so close to him still. This woman, bent in her apparent pain, was like a living memory, and he could see the pained look in Martyr's eyes when she had realized what was required of her. Not sorrow for her own emminent death, but sorrow for her children, and pain for him. The image was very strong.


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