teach them all how they can dance

Erin epic fail, Erin is sorry to Sace Sad Erin try and do better from now on. 300+

Cambria hadn't even thought of the fact that while she was shaking herself off she was getting her wetness all over her brother. After she was done and saw him all scrunched up a sheepish look came on her delicate face. "Oops! Sowwies Gothawm!" However now he was shaking and getting her wet again! This situation was just not working! It seemed only one of them could be kinda dry at a time. Sea foam orbs closed tight and she scrunched up as her brother had when she had been shaking. A small little laugh came from her when he was done though. "We can'ts both be dries in da small spaces, heh." It was pretty comical, she thought.

Though when the subject of monsters came up she watched her brother carefully. Obviously he knew what he was talking about and if there were monsters out there in the rain she wanted to know. Not knowing where monsters were was a good way to get hurt and scared. The last thing she wanted was to get hurt again. Cream-tipped ears strained forward as the elongated words came from Gotham's mouth. As he confirmed there were monsters in the rain she gave a frightened little squeak. Oh noes! Would they still be after them? Would they follow them in here? But Gotham explained that they couldn't get them because they were smart and she sighed in relief. "Oh goods! I dun likes monsters. Dey scawies." Monsters sometimes came and haunted her dreams, especially after that nasty powder stuff. They would wake her up and she'd cuddle up against dada or mommy for protection.

Usually going into the deep, dark cave would have been scary, and it still was, but knowing that monsters were out in the rain made her more willing. There could be monsters in the cave too, but she overlooked that. After all, she wasn't alone, Gotham was with her! "Okies!" she piped as she went after him. Once they were in a little ways though the fear and hesitation started creeping up her back. The girl huddled close to her brother, comforted by his close proximity. "Wha you tinks down here?" she whispered.


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