[M] - you said that you were lonely

        Haven watched, his eyes widening slightly as she ran her tongue over her teeth. He'd never seen anyone do that before, but he had to say, he found it intriguing. A little more than intriguing actually, but the word for it was escaping his slowed brain right now. Though he couldn't stop the chuckles that came from him at her response once again to their talk about his sword. He too, was only really half aware at the innuendos they were playing with. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it was funny though, and a little exciting as well. "Yeah...maybe you'll be able ta see it sometime. Then you'll know for sure," he said, grinning like an idiot. Oh, this was so much fun. He still wasn't able to say exactly why, but it was. He and Princess had some kind of good chemistry going on.

        Then she leaned closer to him still and his mouth hung open slightly. Her scent flooded his nose, a lovely perfume and almost as intoxicating as the alcohol. So many things about her were sending him over the edge and he really had no desire to stop. He wanted to know her, to really know her. And yes, he wanted to get closer as well. More than anything. "I think it's okay to want that...because I want it too." One of his hands reached up without any hesitation to gently brush some of her hair away from her face and then his palm rested on her cheek. She really was beautiful. So beautiful. Haven knew what it was that he was thinking now and he wanted it. He was pretty sure she wanted it too. The knight closed that small space that was still between their faces and kissed her. As their lips met he thought that nothing had ever tasted so sweet.


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