saved up all my sunshine just to see you

im fine with waiting, i hope my rapid reply isn't annoying... :/
sidenote; they are cute, and both their kiritars r steamin' hawt

She liked his shirt, the soft tone of it and the pretty color. A small ounce of her wanted to know the feel of it, was it a soft washed cotton? It looked as if it might be, gentle against the hand and fur. It was almost lavender, and she yet to truly look at the human pants he wore… Mati pulled her mind away, those thoughts were distracting and even though she searched for a distraction, anything to take mind away from the light beating wings in her stomach and the warm glow of her cheeks, it would be embarrassing to show such a flighty expression. It brought confusion to her, and nothing made her want to show him something she couldn’t even understand herself. He would certainly think her a fool.

Yes, he had his book. His clothes. And as he spoke, new deep voice of the grown young male resonating in her ears, Mati began to understand. “Oh.” She said, her eyes lighting up as she turned and placed the can and brushes noisily on the nearest surface. “I can help you find one.” She said as the can rolled form the table and fell to the floor in a clang. Was she nervous? She knelled, fetching the tin thing from the floor and placing it on the table in a flurry of motion. The calm confidence of the evening that they met had disappeared, and Mati searched for it furiously. Rising to her full height, she smiled at him once again.

“Well, there are so many rooms, big ones, small ones...” She began, starting to walk and glad to be moving down the hallway that led to the stairs. “First floor or second?” She asked. Purple eyes looked back to the gold that he owned. Her fingers played with the carved banister of the stairs. Her intentions were jumbled, she wanted him to feel welcomed here and for him to like the room they found. Those hopes blocked the urge she felt to guide him to the room beside hers; empty since the day she was moved into the glass-enclosed porch.



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