nothing endures but change
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Your choice! I like long threads, but not everyone do :]
Let me know if you want me to add a section to this post and have Dawali suggest it, maybe? Or they could just build a fire and start cooking some piece of food, and other people smell it or something like that?

Her continued display of their strained relationship nearly made him chuckle. What, nobody had told her about this? Hadn't she noticed it in others? Well, perhaps not. Tayui had not yet met her spirit guide, though that was very understandable. She'd had a litter to focus on, after all. But if he was right thinking that Auréle was perhaps closest to her out of all of them, then it was not so strange that she had not thought of her link to the crow. Shooting the bird a smile, he looked back at the female, well aware that what he said might offend her. But, she would know better than to snap at her tribe leader, hopefully. His fears for the female rage had dwindled dramatically after his encounter with Brennt. He had greater things to fear than social exclusion. "He's not exactly following you, he's attempting to guide you. I believe that's your spirit guide there."

Taking a second look, he looked at the guide. The form it had chosen was the cousin of one considered a symbol of death and a bad omen. That species was not common around here, then again, neither was Auréle's kind. She was a strange female, and so was the bird, and its behavior towards her. All in all, it fit very nicely. "Go on, why don't you ask him his name? I'm sure he will answer, unless he's like my Gvihita. She didn't speak to me for a month, that one." His voice and demeanor was calm and gentle, but he could not help himself. Deeply within his eye a twinkle of humor was visible, and probably quite easy to catch if one paid attention to him at all.


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