he can, just by living, damage me beyond repair
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OOC: ::Word Count:: 400+

Urma's thoughts drifted insistently back to the abrupt end her conversation with the Inferni leader had had. She hadn't meant to offend the Aquila. Thinking back about it, despite all his help, she couldn't have been happier to leave those lands. They hadn't inspired her any trust, and the images she could form based on what the wolf had said tortured her. Distance had always been her way of putting something more substantial between herself and her deepest thoughts. It was physical and emotional torture to think of all that had been said without the minimum of comfort to fall back on. At least back here she had something to fall back on-- some sense of home, of belonging.

She had been so absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed her ebony friend approaching. It was only her name, spoken out loud, and the question, that startled her back into reality, and she finally noticed Savina. She forced her thoughts back, hoping she would be able to keep them at bay in the back of her mind, where they wouldn't trouble her. She hoped the black female hadn't noticed her disappearance for two days, which was how long her journey to Inferni had taken. Maybe this was just coincidence and had nothing to do with anything, so Urma tried to respond as naturally as she could, "Hello, Savina. Yes, I'm alright, thank you. I am settling in quite well. I've regained much of my strength, so I guess that helps." Urma couldn't help noticing for herself how fake and hollow her words sounded. Her feelings were something she hadn't always been able to keep from interfering with her attitude.

She turned to look at the sky, feeling her emotional changes were closely related to the rapidly appearing differences in lighting across the sky. Her eyes followed the horizon, trying to distinguish all of the different tones and hues, colours that were overly saturated flowing into one another effortlessly. She felt as complicated as the sky she was looking at, and as faraway from anything that she could safely relate to as the sky was from the earth. It almost seemed difficult for Urma to stay near people who only wanted her good, like Savina, when feeling like a castaway came like second-nature to her. You hurt me. By being and not being, you hurt me. She turned back to look at her dark friend. Her voice sounded lost and hollow as she spoke. "How have things been for you?"


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