the devil's water, it ain't so sweet
Mew dismissed Geneva's worry with a shake of her head and the lightness of her tone. The gray wolfess smiled thinly, grateful for the Dahlian wolf's understanding and the delicate way she handled the situation. She could only imagine that neither wanted to stir up trouble. Still, this mystery bothered the woman and she would still investiage discreetly. She wanted to be certain that there weren't trouble makers lurking in her pack, just waiting to cause trouble. She saw it as her responsibility.

Geneva could understand the woman's sentiments, and she noddedx in her agreement. Geneva was a curious soul. Curiosity often motivated most of her actions, but she was also a private creature. She did not like to dig too deeply into the issues of others unless she deemed it absolutely necessary. She would take Mew's words with a grain of salt and pursue the matter with discretion.

"Have you spoken with anyone else from my pack?" Geneva inquired lightly. She was genuinely curious and she did not think that Mew would mind the question. The question itself was open ended. She was still trying to get a feel for the way that the other members of her pack operated. She knew that many of her pack mates were adventurous, like Tyrone while some preferred to keep to themselves, like Jefferson.

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