I can do anything (Mature)

....... Her strange words made him raise a brow for a moment, though in a weird way he was content with her company otherwise he would be alone. His rosey eyes noticed her grin but Leroy simply held his own smile, licking a bit more blood off his finger he watched her get closer towards the deer.

....... Her answer didn't supise him and at the same time he was, she was very pretty thhough she was very new to their land so unluck himself she hasn't found anyone."Its ok, you got time." Tiliting his head he smiled at her, Leroy could feel her change when he asked her about loved ones. Following her eyes as she stayed locked onto his own red ones, he was didn't expect her small flirting but he held back his own sharp grin. "Fine really, though I have an room I must get finished, i don't believe you have a bed? In the bottom floor that room is fully done, bed and all." Blinking the husky bummed her hip with his own lightly as his deep voice spoke. "Its yours if you want it, though I'll wash the blankets so they'll smell fresh." Once Svara's smell was fully out of the house he wouls be able to be better, really better.




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