[M] - you said that you were lonely

        She was such a different kind of female than he had become used to. Siobhan had been timid and shy, completely inexperienced when it came to the things he was used to. Not Princess. She had attitude, she had a spark, a definite personality that couldn't be rivaled. Haven had never had such an encounter before and he was relishing it. So when she asked that question he didn't even need to take a second to think about his answer. "Of course I wanna see you again, how could I not?" There was something about her that invigorated him. For the first time in days he felt alive again, and he knew it was more than just the alcohol. It was the gorgeous specimen beside him

        Her soft moan sent a shock through his body. Mmmmm, yes. Those were the kind of noises he wanted to make her sound. That one little noise skyrocketed his heartbeat and made that hot blood flow through him even more fiercely. As her mouth opened his tongue entered, exploring her mouth and drinking in her taste. She tasted so amazing. A playful growl came from the hybrid as she lightly tugged his hair and his arm snaked around her torso to hold her. When Princess pulled back, blazing emeralds looked down at her hungrily. As she spoke the energy inside of him rose up even higher. It had never been this way with Siobhan. She had never said that she needed him or this.

        Her exploring tongue and teeth made that rumble in his chest deepen and he quickly discarded his jacket to the floor. Haven's own teeth found her ear and nibbled it gently as his hand found the zipper of her dress and pulled it down. He leaned into her, wanting to lose himself in her.


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