Been Gone For Awhile, What's New?

Maldrid played some more music before finally stopping to reply to what Anu had said, "I play as often as I can. It is a great outlet for emotions that could be pent up inside yourself. I've been playing music for quite some time now." Maldrid's thoughts drifted back to the time when he was learning how to play music. He wasn't just schooled in these two instruments, but rather a variety. The lute and the recorder were what Maldrid prefered to play over other instruments.

"From my brief time here I have only heard of one other who plays music in the pack. Though silence can be refreshing, even a comfort, I think that music should be heard around more often. It would be another pleasant change in the atmosphere. You've done a good job yourself with providing color to the manor," Maldrid said in a complementing tone.


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