it's like forgetting the words

The Marino pup beamed at the revelation that her ward liked her. It was probably one of the best feelings ever! Most definitely one of the best feelings she had had since the accident. She would never be able to thank her sister enough for what she had done today. Cambria had been so sad and so depressed that it felt like nothing was ever going to make her happy again, but then here Amata had come with Leafy and everything had turned around. She was convinced that she had the best sister ever in the whole wide world! Her ears perked as her sister said something about Noir and her baby. "You knows Noir toos? Dats a good ideas!!" Yes, she should talk to Noir about Leafy! Noir had experience taking care of stuff.

The chocolate girl padded carefully after her sibling, doing all she could to make sure the flower wasn't jostled around too much. If it moved too much then Leafy might not be able to hold on and fall down and that would be just so awful! The stairs were especially difficult, since she still had to jump from one to another, but when she reached the bottom the cat-pill still clung bravely to the flower. Proud of having accomplished her difficult task she followed Amata into the kitchen. This room was huge! So tall and so big. It was made for giant adults not itty bitty puppies. Sea foam eyes watched with excitement as her sister wrestled with the cabinet doors and had to stifle a giggle a few times. Amata was so funny!

After each door was opened she looked inside with disappointment at there being no jars and watched intently as each new door was opened, hoping this time it would be the right door. Cambi was starting to lose hope when finally the right cabinet was opened and filled with jars. Her tail wagged as she gently set the flower on the floor so she could get a better look at the jars. "You stays dere Leafy!" she said kindly to the cat-pill. She stuck her head into the opening and looked around. Well, she wanted a bit jar so Leafy had plenty of room. Something too small would be no good. "Whas abouts dat big jars back dere?" She pointed with her paw to the one in the back corner.


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