Swallow and let it slide

indent "Oh, I ‘unno." Icarus looked around, afraid of the possibility that he would get caught crossing the river. He knew he was disobeying his father’s judgment, but the curiosity that came along with being a pup was just too overwhelming for him. And with Firefly gone, somebody had to be the trouble maker!

indent "Well, we could try walking on the ice, but I don’t want my daddy to find me. I’muh ‘fraid he’s gonna find me here. Mebbe we can go somewheres a little bit farther away from the river. And we can play on the ice when I gots to go home. " Icarus’ tail wagged behind him, even though he felt a little apprehension about misbehaving. Either way, though, he wouldn’t admit to Legacy that he was worried about his actions. At the moment, all he wanted to do was have a bit of fun.

indent "Mebbe we can go sliding!" Icarus piped up, remembering what Pilot had shown him to do earlier. All they needed was a good hill.


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