The Songs that Voices Never Share
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The past couple weeks had passed in somewhat of a relative boredom for the vigilante. Cwmfen and the pups had been mostly confined to the den, the pups especially. Cwmfen would emerge every now and then, but for very little time. Onus understood that that was simply the way things went. The two were completely dependent on their mother right now for food and warmth and protection. He was doing his best to fill his part of protecting them as well, but of course they were inside the lands of Dahlia de Mai. Fairly deep inside the lands at that. The only threat he could think of was from Haku Soul. The coyote didn't doubt for a moment that he would love to kill the lives that he and Cwmfen had created. Though his position as a pack leader prevented him from doing anything of the sort. At least Onus wasn't the only one who couldn't do what he wanted.

So he had spent his days hunting for his lover and lounging about in the oak tree above her den. Now that the children were here and they were his, he did not like being far away from the den. Though he was still doing his part to fulfill his promise to Cercelee. While he was inside the borders more often than not now, he was also out of sight up in the great tree. Even if a Dahlian caught his scent chances are they would be unable to locate him. Onus had made a quick trip to the city to gather a few books to help keep himself occupied when he wasn't hunting. If there was one thing he couldn't stand it was letting his mind grow idle. The man needed to keep his intellect up and active. To him that was just as important as his physical being being fit.

It was early in the morning and the coyote, in the later hours of the night, had allowed himself to drift off to sleep in one of the high, broad branches of the oak. Of course one could never go into a deep sleep up in a tree, but then again, Onus never really did sleep all that deep. So when he heard his name being called he woke at once. Currently his eyes were covered with his cloth, but the rest of his clothes were hanging on a different nearby branch. The coyote sat up, stretching his arms and surveying the area to see if anyone else was around. When he spotted no one he undid his eye wrap and descended the tree.

The sight that met him at the bottom was surprising. He had not laid eyes on his children since they had been taken into the den and it was amazing how they had already grown. Last they had been tiny helpless little bodies. While still tiny and helpless, they were moving around on their own now, however awkwardly. Though the most surprising thing, which he overlooked at first, was their eyes were now open. Pitch black orbs looked intently at the eyes of his children, finding they both had taken an eye from him and one from their mother. A soft smile made its way onto his features and he looked at Cwmfen. "When did they open their eyes?" he asked, genuinely curious. The male crouched down near her and the pups, looking at them with intense interest.


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