Bad News is Good News


OOC: wrap up time? Tongue

Jefferson. It was a good strong name, hopefully belonging to someone who did the name good. He secretly stashed the name away. Maybe he would stop in on Phoenix Valley someday and with some luck have a run in with this Jefferson guy. He must be some sort of man to turn turn Geneva's head. In his mind he started visualizing the man. Silent chuckled echoing in his mind as he visualized wolves that where tall and broad like himself, to short and chubby unlike any wolf he had seen before. Was it even possible for a wolf to be chubby? It was probably possible in Crimson Dreams with the mansion and large stock of food. Himself, he couldn't imagine allowing himself to just live off the pack like that, it wasn't right. As long as he lived with Crimson Dreams he would protect and provide for everyone as much as he could everyday. Besides, hunting was exciting!

His mind finally left his amusing thoughts and returned to the grey wolfess. Her words where true for herself, but not for him. He wanted a family so bad it actually pulled at his heart. He wanted to be a father. He had had a lover twice and lost a family once and still, he had no blood relative. He wanted his pups to grow up here, surrounded by pack mates, love and affection. But, the family life wasn't for everyone "Well it sounds like you two know that you need your time to grow together and such." He was so bad at waiting, he was just an impatient pup when it came to family and love. "Maybe you two wont need a family. It's not like there's a rule saying you have too." Though, in his mind, there always was and always would be. Two people in love were just completed by child. Maybe this wasn't the case though. "Someday I'll be as lucky as you Geneva. Maybe I need to find a pack full of females, maybe then I'll find the right girl." He chuckled with a wink.

agreement to his statement. May I ask for the name of the lucky man


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