careening shamelessly into oblivion
300+ Big Grin

Ehno had been around this area of the pack lands a number of times before, but he had never stumbled upon these old, strangely located buildings. It seemed odd to him that he would find these old human structures so far out in the forest. They were no where near the city, where buildings like these would fit in seamlessly. Yet Haven Manor was far removed from the city of Halifax as well, and he thought nothing odd of it. Perhaps these buildings up ahead were simply a cluster of human houses, just as the mansion was. The idea caught his interest quickly, and Ehno was soon determined to examine them a little more closely. He continued toward the tall, rectangular shaped buildings up ahead, intent on getting a closer look. That explorative itch in the back of his mind propelled him forward, allowing him to forget all about his troubles, if only for a moment.

The forest’s usual quiet was disrupted suddenly as a loud cry sounded out behind him. A few of the birds perched in the nearby trees chirped in protest to the noise and flew off to a safer location. Ehno straightened up immediately and turned around, startled by the sudden noise. He recognized the sudden cry as Italian just as he recognized the small figure soaring towards him. He laughed as his nephew fell beside him. Ehno nudged the boy playfully, a grin lighting up his face. "Ehi Gotham. Vedo che lei ha lavorato su che piomba di vostro," he joked. The growing boy definitely seemed to be getting the hang of it; Ehno had been so absorbed in the sights before him that he didn’t even notice the boy creep up on him. "Che lei fa tutta la maniera fuori da qui?" The Lieutenant had never really seen Gotham or his sisters out wandering too far from the mansion on their own. But of course as children grew, so did their curiosity for the unknown, and the pack lands were filled with unknowns for the pups to explore.

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