ignorance is your new best friend
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Broferrrrr 300+

Despite it being the prime hours of the day Savina was currently taking a bit of a nap in her upstairs room. The pups had gotten her up early and wanted to play outside. She of course had obliged but they had done a good job of wearing her out. She had done some border patrol before deciding she was too tired to finish and had headed back inside. It really was a shame that that had happened today when the sun was out. It had rained so much recently that the mother relished the sunshine, but there was no help for those droopy lids except to close them and sleep off some of that weariness.

Now those emerald orbs lazily opened back up and she gave a great yawn, stretching her limbs out as she continued to lay on the bed. For a few minutes she listened to see if she could catch any movement within the great house, but her triangular ears picked up nothing. No doubt everybody was out enjoying the bright weather. Well, she better go and do the same. The days were getting shorter and she knew that soon fall would be upon them. Fall she didn't mind, it was what came after that she wasn't fond of. Savina pushed herself to her feet and stretching her arms above her head once more before heading out her door.

She had expected the house to be empty, but as she quietly walked down the stairs she saw her brother lounging on the couch. A small, wicked grin came to her features and she wondered if she could be quiet enough to surprise him. The raven fey chose her steps carefully, avoiding creaking floorboards. Slow, calculated steps took her to the side of the couch and then she plopped herself down beside her chocolate sibling. "Ciao il fratello!" she said louder than was necessary, the smirk still on her face.


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