Swallow and let it slide

indent Icarus was more than ecstatic when she accepted the idea he had thrown out there. Sliding was some good, clean fun if you could find a suitable spot for it. Pilot had even brought a burlap sack he found in the human city for them to sit on when he had first showed Icarus how. Even though they didn’t have that, Icarus knew that they would be able to slide almost as well.

indent "Sure, I don’t mind! We just gotsta find a good hill we can go down. It’s really fun! Pilot showed me how to do it, and it aint hard at all." He began to trudge along in the melting snow, though he had no idea where exactly he was going. They were closer to Jaded Shadows lands more than Storm, so he figured Legacy might have a good inclination where a suitable hill was situated. "Follow me!" Either way, Icarus felt a need to be the leader, perhaps even show off, and so he led them to a destination that was currently unknown.


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