ice age heat wave

He was just giving up on the search, resigning the ever-important decision for paint color for another day, when the snap of a brittle twig behind him made him whirl around. Ari had been, somewhat understandably, on edge ever since he had arrived here. His vision blurred with fear, but that seemed to evaporate when they settled on the red-furred girl that had stumbled across him. She looked remarkably like Fatin, who had accepted him into the pack, and he could only imagine that this was one of her kids that she had told him about. He relaxed a fraction, thinking that some one who was so kind as Fatin must have compassionate kids as well.

That didn't help the awkwardness of the situation. He wasn't a conversationalist — he normally relied on others to make topics while he only responded to keep conversation going on. She didn't say a word. Feeling like a heavy weight was resting over him, begging him to say something, he managed a weak smile and said in a small voice, Uh, hi.


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