Been Gone For Awhile, What's New?

Anu was not too artistic. Passionate about her gardening and knowledgeable indeed, yet her eye for color was not perfect. Neither did the sound of the large piano perk her ears and inspire her. There was a certain talent that just came with certain souls. She was aware of her daughter’s knack for paints and brushes, but Anu did not see as Mati did. She could figure that she didn’t hear as Maldrid did. One’s muse could take them anywhere it wanted to go, and wouldn’t judge him for hearing the call his talent heard and following it.

She was surprised though, to find that he was just a simple wanderer. “I know that feeling. In years past I couldn’t be settled in one place.” She spoke with a small smile. She moved down the hallway slightly, drawing him to follow with her eyes and voice. “It sounds like you might have something on your mind.” Anu commented, though it was not her intension to pry it from him. “Seeking solitude can help reveal it, but so could seeking company.” Anu had known that as well. Alone she could sit with her thoughts, but at times her mind didn’t want to open up to itself. At times it was while she spoke to another that her mind could not lock itself, and understanding could be found.


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