i don't know what i want, but i know what i don't
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OOC: ::Word Count:: 300+

As Urma spotted the approaching form of a wolf, her hopes were high that it had indeed been Lubomir who had heard her call. But as the silhouette took clearer shape, she was able to realize that the respondent was by no means her old friend, not to mention a female at that. Urma couldn't help look in amazement at the markings on the stranger's body, wondering what it all stood for. Her posture immediately told the white wolf that the female before her was by no means any kind of wolf-- her entire attire spoke of confidence and the kind of attitude most befitting an experienced warrior. She gulped at the prospect that her presence was maybe less welcome here than it had been in Inferni lands, but she tried to think about that as little as possible. Maybe the wolf before her was indeed what she seemed to be, but would by no means act in an unfriendly way with her without more reason than Urma's mere call for a fellow pack mate.

As the female spoke, Urma listened, a weight lifting off her chest at the wolf's words. "Yes, I am looking for Lubomir. He is a member of this pack, isn't he?" The moment she asked this, she felt stupid. Of course he was. It was the most logical explanation as to how come the stranger before her had immediately associated his name to a known wolf. The next worrisome thought that occurred to her was that she hadn't even bothered to say who she was, or where she was from, or at least what business she had here. "I'm from Crimson Dreams. Lubomir and I used to be in the same pack, once. He's an old friend of mine. I only came to see him. It's been a while since I last did." She rewinded what she had said in her head, nervous and at the same time frustrated with her inability to better handle her emotions. She didn't even know what about the female made her feel so self-conscious. She realized she had still failed to provide her name. "I'm Urma," she finished somewhat lamely, conscious of her embarrassing position.


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