never say "i told you so"
Immeadiate, reasonable and practical thoughts were prone to vanishing when left to their own devices. For instance, thoughts of the innate togetherness of this pack, and how Tamerlane respected it greatly despite not feeling completely part of it. And musings of the landscape, and how fascinatingly shadowy and almost dead it so often seemed; and not just the ravaged Città Umana, but the deep silence surrounding the murky trees and quiet curves of the isolated mountain range. And considerations of the fine young bodies below the faces that had talked to him recently; animal instinct was a consideration for any young rogue. And philosophies; those that wound their way into each observation of his, often less of a hindrance than at first suspected.

No, these thoughts chose a well-placed vacation when Tamerlane simply rested his head gently against the tree and closed his eyes to the heavens. This stance was almost a trademark of his by now. Opening his dark eyes, he looked casually to the left to see the lanky form of the pack's deserving Gamma Male, a Pilot-esque smile crossing his lips. Tamerlane smiled lightly in return. Hoping for something more interesting, friend?

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