let the rain of what I feel right now come down
WC: 400+
mmooooolllaaaassssseeessss.... D:

That warm, inviting scent engulfed her, and she sighed contentedly. If she could just save this memory, she would carry it to her grave, and die happily having known this sort of bliss. Her naivety told her that this was the greatest pleasure she could know; having lost her virginity in such a cruel and forced way, it was hard for her to imagine any kind of sex as a good thing. She only craved warmth and attention, the security and love that she had never known but always yearned for. A blissful kiss, every now and then, that would be her indulgence.

The dreams that she lost herself in nightly, they held a darker edge of desire, but those were filed away privately, never to be admitted to. Even blessed Anu would not want her in that way. If she were less pure, they would have already crossed that sort of boundary, past a chaste kiss spurred by wine. Even as she drew away, readying herself to speak the words she had wanted to for too many moons now, she still had no idea what she was really getting into...

The timber wolf cringed, feeling Anu's vivid blue eyes piercing deep into her soul. Every time their gazes met, there was such an exciting crackle of energy, something that made her heart skip a beat, a momentary weightlessness. But the self-conscious girl always worried that something bad would be unearthed by those probing blue orbs, that her faults would be plain as day. Surely her ragged psyche would be the first thing noticeable by one of Anu's age and experience... and it would be such a deterrent, why would she ever make eye contact again? And yet, it happened, time after tantalizing time.

"I... needed to... tell you..." Her soft voice trailed into nothing, nerve failing her as her tail curled against her haunches, cowardice claiming her tongue. At the gentle prodding, she shook her head, mutely disobeying. Wasn't it wrong, to realize that this stranger from another pack meant more to her than her own flesh-and-blood? Was it bad that she was so drawn to this wolf, despite the fact that her age surpassed Coli's own parents? Wasn't there some karmic retribution in order for feeling this way towards her own gender, as a perversion of nature? There had to be a reason why her fractured fairy tale couldn't have a happy ending. Why she couldn't admit... that she had fallen in love for the first time...?


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