it's like forgetting the words
Indiana Jones reference ftw! 300+

Chocolate tail wagged as her sister stated that she had made a good choice in house for Leafy. The way her sibling spoke those words were very interesting though. It made Amata sound much older and wiser than she was. Why was that, she wondered? Oh well, it could wait until they had Leafy all snug in his new home. "Tanks you sis!" How sweet of her to go in and get the jar for her! Just more proof that Amata was the bestest sister ever. Cambria moved and nudged the flower with the cat-pill on it closer to the cabinet so that she could keep a closer eye on him. That and now Leafy could watch them get his new home. "Amata is gonna go get dat bigs jar and dat will bes your new homes!" the pup explained quietly to her charge. His little legs wiggled and she giggled happily.

Ocean colored orbs watched her sister intently as she maneuvered to the back corner of the cabinet. She really hadn't thought about how far back the jar she wanted really was until she watched her sibling crawl back there. The clink of glass on glass made her ears perk up. That was a nice noise, but also something about it told her that great care was needed when such noises were being made. "Be carefuls 'Mata!" She didn't know if the jars could hurt at all, but she certainly didn't want Amata to get hurt. But it seemed as the jars were moved to make more room nothing bad happened and the Marino pup relaxed. Then when her sister turned around there was a shatter and her head ducked down instinctively and she shut her eyes tight. Nervously she opened one but it seemed nothing bad had happened. Oh good.

Cambi watched curiously as Amata wrapped herself around the jar and then tumbled out of the cabinet with it. As the jar was standing up on the floor now and her sister was shaking off she bounced on her paws laughing. "Yays! Dat was so greats! You's vewy tawented at gettin jarses!" Surely she couldn't have done a better job, it probably would have been messier if she had. The girl walked up to the jar and looked at the top. The lid was on. did you get the lid off? She put one of her paws up on it and opened her mouth, gnawing at the lid with her little puppy teeth. She tugged and pulled and chewed but it wouldn't budge! "It won't opens!" she said frustrated and sat haughtily back on her haunches.


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