At the bottom of the big blue sea...


Cambria had been to the beach before? With papa? Gotham felt just a little twinge of jealousy; his sisters had gone on adventures without him! That was okay, though, because now they were going to the beach and an adventure now was more important than one taken a while ago. The boy would be all caught up, and each one of the pups would know what the beach was like. Amata turned to him and exclaimed that their chocolate colored sister was a beach expert, and Gotham smiled at the obvious thrill that flickered in her eyes even though he was, once more, a little jealous! By the end of the day he would make himself a beach expert, too.

The tidbits of envy he was feeling dissolved when Mati suggested a game. With a grin and a bounce, he followed after his sisters, and as Amata sang a little tune Gotham joined in. He howled along with her, trying to make his voice go along with hers as best he could. After meeting Jazper just a few days ago, the little raven boy had found that he enjoyed singing very much indeed! He hadn't exactly gotten the hang of the whole song writing thing yet, though, so it was just random words that escaped his little muzzle as he trotted through the forest. Just as he sang clumsily, he clumsily mimicked the way Mati walked.

By the time they reached the beach, Gotham's pink tongue was hanging out of his open mouth. It was hot, and the salty air stuck to his pelt. While Amata simply stopped to take in the beauty, the boy had his eyes on the cool water in the distance, and he bounded across the sand toward the sea. His mouth was open and he gave a little roar as he ran, as if he was running to attack the water. The motive behind this action was lost even on him, but it seemed to be in his nature (and probably that of every boy) to antagonize most things in one way or another.

The sand was such a strange thing to run through! It gave way behind his giant paws and made it seem like he was doing more work than he should be doing. By the time he got to the water, he was even more worn out and even more overheated. As soon as his paws were submerged, he plopped down into the shallow water. His tongue dropped down to take a little drink, and as soon as the salt water touched it he let out a loud, "Blehhh!" This water was disgusting! He tried to get the taste off his tongue, rubbing it against his top teeth as if to scrape the salt off, but it didn't seem to work. Giving up, he let it hang out of his mouth as if that would somehow stop him from being able to taste the salt, and merely stared at Mati and his sisters with a rather sour look upon his face.

Ithen made this! ♥


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