Package from a past life
Ty saw now that Pendzez was reading his movements, which Ty didn't mind, he was keeping that in mind while sparring against the white noble. He was pleasantly surprised when Pendzez reacted with his sheath in a parry. Ty had to admit, Pendzez was proficient for how long he'd been using a katana, he must have been reading up on it before hand, along with being already proficient in a weapon, his spear. Ty truely admired how quickly this spirit king caught onto the arts of swordplay and combat.

But unfortunatly, Ty could see the difference in their skill levels. As skilled as Pendzez was, Ty could see he was not quite as experienced as he was, not to blame him, after all, Pendzez had many more talents Ty did not, as Ty's only experiences revolved around some sort of combat, be it hunting, fighting, planning a strategy, or diplomatic negotiating. Ty didn't let up when Pendzez pushed the blade off of his sheath, making a swift 360 degree turn, he suddenly dropped low and made a low cut for the legs. Then without skipping a beat, made a rising cut. He realized Pendzez relied on having time to think, time to plan moves against Ty, so he simply began to turn up the pressure, not allowing Pendzez to think up strategies.

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