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There had been times where she had worried that her friend would never come visit her. She worried if she had somehow done something to upset the older girl and that she no longer wanted to be friends. And of course Cambi was too scared to go to AniWaya all by herself. No doubt she would get lost and that would be absolutely awful. The pup couldn't think of anything that would be more scary than being lost out on her own. But after her accident with the nasty white powder she had almost forgotten about everything aside from how bad she felt. Noir had become lost in the haze of her depression. Now Noir was here though! Everything was great!

When she reached the paler girl the Marino carefully set the leaves in her mouth down on the ground and then looked back up to Noir. "Noir! I is so happies to sees you!" It was one of the best things to happen lately! Aside from Leafy and the trip to the beach. "Oh noes! I's not eating its, its for Leafy!" Oh wait, but Noir wouldn't know who Leafy was! "My sister, she founds me a cat-pill to takes care of and his name is Leafy! We's hoping to see da magiks of him changin' into a butterfwies! You gotsta come sees him!" There would be no taking no for an answer, though she highly doubted that Noir would not want to see her cat-pill. She loved butterflies too so she would like cat-pills. Maybe she'd even know when the transformation would take place.

Oceanic eyes looked at the faded pink toy, a smile on her face. "Hello's Toefur!" she said nudging the octopus playfully. "Leafy an mah butterfwie is back at da howses, I show you the way!" Cambria picked her gathered leaves back up and started off in the direction of the mansion, looking back to make sure that Noir was following.


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