Woke up tonight and no one's here with me

ooc: --

Attila listened to the immediate agreement for him joinning her, the joy glittering in her eyes. That pleased him, eased that sorrow in his heart. That was good. he then grabbed the other wooden stick, holding it as his sister did... In a certain way. He held it with one hand where there was no net, as he figured out it should be used to hold the ball. He then waited, absent-minded, his grayish blue eyes following her each movement.

Her hardly held the giggle when the ball hadn't cross half the way between the two siblings. Biting his lower lip, he took a dep breath, not wishing to hurt his sister's feeling any further. The pale boy simply walked a few steps and lowered himself to get the ball. Going back to his place, he placed the ball inside the net, and left uthe stick in the ground. Quickly, he concentrated in the shift, turning himself back to his lupus self. Of course, he hated that form, but he wanted to play that game fair and square, to match himself to his blond sibling.

Grabbing the stick once again, but with his mouth, he faced the little girl. "Now tha' wee r fit too play... Geet yursel' weady!" He said with a mouthful accent because of the stick in his mouth. So, the bully kid that seemed to have turned good - for at least that night - prepared himself to throw the ball. Shaking his head strongly, the ball hadn't crossed longer than before, and he just tared at it. Soon, he laughed loudly, the stick hitting the ground. That was funny, sort off.


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