At the bottom of the big blue sea...
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Poor Amata drifting away, hahah

As her siblings slowly moved by, the creamy pup watched, feeling a little uncertain about this new place. But it was made Amata more uneasy to be left behind and standing alone and so, grudgingly, she made her way across the warm sands of the beach. The strange sound of the ocean was like the sound that the lake made, but it was bigger and better, she decided. The small smile that had been upon her little muzzle grew wider as she watched the big, crashing waves. Looking down, she could see the water pulling the sand and putting it back, and she was glad that the ocean had played with the beach. It was nice that these things were being friendly and not scary and mean like the yelling clouds in the sky. They’s nice, she decided with a nod. And their prettiness reminded her of her Mamma, who was very pretty and had a pretty pink shell that was from the ocean too. Sometimes she liked to touch it gently with her paw—

Her head turned suddenly as a disgusted cry interrupted the pretty beach sound. The blue and green eyes watched her brother curiously, her head tilting. She couldn’t figure out why he was upset at first because she didn’t notice anything out of place—he had only moments before been playing in the water, and Amata had just been about to join him. She was about to ask what it was when Cambi beat her too it. Instead, Amata laughed and said, "Wass wrongs, Got’am?" She giggled, and, wanting to know what was wrong, she stepped into the water. "Oh!" It was nice and cool. Immediately her uncertainty about this big and new place was gone, and she relaxed, her tail wagging easily behind her. Mat-tea said that the water was salty, and Amata was amazed. "Salty?" she asked with disbelief. "What doess salty waters tasteds likes?" And then, impulsively, she lowered her little maw to the water and took a great big lap that was immediately followed by a sound of disgust not unlike the one that Got’am had just made. "It iss gross!" She tried to lick her fur to get the taste from her mouth, but the sea spray had beaten her to it. Scrunching up her face, she said, "Yucky!" and turned to look up at Mat-tea. "Nows I’s knows whys wes can’ts drinks the ocean water!"

As if forgetting about the horrible tasted, Amata began to bound along the shoreline. "Come ons, guys! Less play in the waters!" Eventually Amata had walked in a big circle—it was just what she had done when she had learned to swim. While reluctant to drink it, the girl decided that it was better to play. The horrible salty taste that was forced into her mouth every now and then could be ignored—the fun she was having was much better anyway. A bigger wave came and pushed her over playfully, and the girl laughed, spitting out the water. Shaking her fur and spraying the salty ocean water everywhere, Amata leapt into the deeper part of the water, oblivious to the dangers of the deep and vast and powerful ocean. "I’s swimming!" Good things Aun taughted my how to swims! What she didn’t know was that she was slowly drifting away from the shore. But she was having too much fun and only smiled in blissful ignorance.


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