At the bottom of the big blue sea...

Gotham figured that the expression on his face would speak for itself, so when his cinnamon sister asked what was wrong he merely turned to his face towards her. His tongue was still hanging out, and his brows were furrowed. Amata asked, as well, and he faced her in turn. When Mati responded to his disgruntled groan, he scrunched up his face a little more. If only she had told him earlier! Anyway, it was very difficult to be unhappy when his pretty sister was giggling so. The light colored girl always seemed to be a beacon of happiness (when she wasn't scared of the monsters, of course) and the little noises that escaped her were contagious. Pulling his tongue back in, pleasantly surprised that it didn't taste so gross anymore, he stood up and looked out across the ocean. It went for so far! The boy couldn't even see the end of it, and the line that separated the sky from the sea was hazy and almost hard to discern.

He peered for a few seconds before Amata questioned what exactly it tasted like. The boy's blue eyes became extraordinarily wide and his head snapped toward the girl. "Nooo, Mata!" he cried, but it was too late. A disgusted cry escaped her mouth, as well, and Gotham furrowed his brow in sympathy. Silly girl, hadn't she learned from his mistake? Oh well, now she knew for herself what the water tasted like. Maybe it would have even been nice for her, who knew! Girls were funny things, and the poor black pup was surrounded by them.

Playing! Now that was something that Gotham could believe in. With a wide grin, he bounded after his sister, moving a little further into the ocean. Out here, where the water was almost up to his stomach, the waves were much more powerful! The wave that knocked the girl over made Gotham stumble a little, and he giggled at its strange push. Why did the water raise up like this and play with the puppies? It must have known that it was play time! Gotham scrunched up a little and let out an excited cry when Amata shook, and followed her into the deeper water.

Unlike the alabaster girl, Gotham had not had any swimming lessons. He tried to mimic the way that his sister was paddling. He managed to stay afloat, while making a fair amount of water airborne, and giggled as he followed his sister deeper and deeper.

Ithen made this! ♥


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