I Got This Fucking Thorn In My Side


True, quite the woman. He wanted to know more. Who was this one eyed woman with the crimson star? Nothing like this one was. She seemed to be one of those so common, uncorrupted and beyond his understanding. He loathed his Rosea because he had ceased to look at things from her point of view. Or perhaps stopped attempting to would be a better way of speaking. Those intense blue pools remained on those of that blue, pure water. Would he despise this woman if he knew her better?

Peaceful seemed like a fitting word to mornings in generals. The creatures of the night went to rest before the first rays of the sun danced through the sleeping lands. He had once been intrigued by the blushing colours that accompanied the sun mornings and evenings. He could not appreciate such a thing any longer though. Lillith had most likely closed her eyes and gone to sleep in the pitch black of a windowless room by now somewhere in the city. ”Your morning is my evening, I prefer the night.” the man honestly answered, though not truly revealing whether or not he liked mornings. It was insignificant. He had no preferences, except for that the night offered disguise and a calm that only the hunter in action would know. He did not believe she would be able to understand if he had said this though. They did not want to understand what was not a common trait.

His night had been as calm as any. He did not run after innocent creatures these nights and days though. There was also the cut drawn on the fragile skin where his leg connected with the rest of his body, causing him to limp. Not because of the pain, but because normal movement so strongly wanted to tear it up again and make it bleed for all eternity. His wounds were healing, and there were many days and nights since he woke up to again walk with the living. ”These wounds are not as fresh as you seem to believe. It’s a while ago, though they take their time to heal.”


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