Take it

        She knew of his father and that interested him. Obviously, this girl already knew about him, and yet he knew nothing about her so far. How unfair. She remained uneasy, distrusting him despite her attempts to keep a cool composure on the outside. Pink tongue slid between his teeth, tracing a line across the edge of his lip as he contemplated. Astaroth was dead. Other than siring Samael and his siblings, and nearly killing Kaena, the fucking bastard had been completely worthless. Hearing of his latest deed before his demise, the coyote himself would have hunted him down and taken his life had his mother not done it already. No one touched Kaena Lykoi and lived—Samael would see to that.

        Her face showed utter revulsion at the mention of her parentage and for only a moment the beast was curious. But he grinned once he realized, knowing the name of his traitorous brother. “I see you’re a bit smarter than that brother of mine,” he stated coolly, referring to the fact that Halo had obviously immersed herself within the Lykoi legacy and Inferni itself—utterly loyal as it seemed. But contempt could be faked and loyalties pretended just as an actress in a play. Only time could tell if this girl meant what she appeared to believe, holding herself above the bastard that betrayed his own blood and clan.

        Inferni had never meant much to Samael. It had been nothing more than a waiting point for the creature. And when his memory fled in the throes of sickness, he’d fled the land as his body faded, nearing death and darkness before his proper time. He’d thought of overthrowing the current king, his half-brother, in the past and reigning over his mother’s former kingdom, but he wasn’t sure he desired something so minimal. His reaches far outweighed a simple coyote clan whose numbers dwindled further and further with the passing of each day. And he would use them for nothing more than inflicting chaos onto the lands, wrecking havoc wherever he could. They might not even be able to stand up to that, destroyed within his hands like a fragile toy.

        Their complete loyalty would be paramount, and Samael wasn’t sure he could rely on every single coyote that dwelled within the clan. Bowing his head to his brother’s crown had only been done by force, at the will of his mother’s choice of right-hand man, when he had resided there within Inferni. Only Kaena and the Angel could willingly cause the beast to fall to his knees, lowering his head not like a prince, but a lowly, groveling servant. But for them and only them he would serve until the end of time.

         “I’m shocked he could father something so lovely,” he purred, fingers brushing across the pale, knotted scars of the opposite forearm—wounds he’d willingly inflicted on himself. Samael adored pain as much as he adored fear, and he could feel the knife-like edges of his claws biting into his skin, tempting the brilliant blood that bubbled just beneath the surface.


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