So while you sit back and wonder why
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Sorry about the wait >n<

A black shadow moved through the foliage, swift—gone. The damp foliage was moved by its passing, and yet they did not whisper. Dew and rain that had settled upon their late summer leaves laughed with mirth in their voices as they fell, disturbed by the short-lived dance of their bearers. Upon the earth wet with precipitation, only a faint glimmer of vestiges relinquished by a body could be seen. The shadow paused. She lifted her head, the woad-banded ears erected as she listened. She listened past the soft beauty of the rain’s song for the movement of smaller creatures. But still there was nothing, and the silent huntress turned away, continuing into the dimmed light of the woods that tugged upon her soul with its simple and natural pulchritude. She moved in silence and did not disturb the songs of the world with her passing and, as in life, they did not heed her presence. The tranquil visage unmoved, a soft smile flickered within those white orbs that glinted even in the darkened day.

She paused, the ethereal fluidity of her body ceasing. The woad bound maw scented the earth and found what was sought. The rabbit had passed by not too long ago—the scent was still warm with the heat and promise of fresh blood. And she required that flesh now to feed the ever-hungry pups that were within her den. They were older now, and they understood more acutely the requests that their mother made. Already she had disciplined them on several points, but, each time, they required no second instruction. And so was not troubled with them as she hunted. Her hunts could proceed over longer periods of time, and the pups would not emerge seeking her. They understood now that she would return to feed and protect them.

Her rabbit was dead, and the blood, fresh and warm, was in the jaws of another. She could see the movement through the trees. The intensity of that white gaze did not lessen as she pressed forward, her body low and silent as he stalked through the trees. The soft breeze carried the scent from her and the trees took her sight. But, as she continued, she could see now that it was a wolf that held the hare. "Haku." The alto melody sang the familiar name as she emerged from the foliage from behind. As she would with Cercelee, she dipped her maw deeply in that formal and respectful greeting of a superior rank. The way he held himself, the way in which he stood, seemed...different. The warrior had not seen the chocolate Lilium since she had approached him the day before she had found Brennt and Corvus had found her. Much time had passed, but she was as familiar with his movements as she had been before. A different sound rang in the air as if a bell had been struck. Having approached from behind, she could not yet meet the blue gaze. As she paused behind him, the woad-marked she-wolf tilted her head by marginal, imperceptible degrees as if she commanded the silence and expected him to turn to her in response. "It has been a long time." Several moons. The Caledonian-Korean wondered if Cercelee had regaled him of what had happened, but whatever he knew did not matter, for it held no consequence for the Dahlian warrior.


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