At the bottom of the big blue sea...
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Amata paddled happily in her little circles, delighted that she could still remember how to swim. Because of her loud panting and the loud ocean that as noisy in her ears, she could not hear her sister’s whine, she continued to remain oblivious of her drifting. Amata knew only that she was swimming and that it was fun. "I’s a fish princess," she breathed to herself when she could, remembering when she had been a fish princess and Anu had taken her stick. "I’s a fish princess. I’s a fish princess." It became a chant now, a quiet one that only she could hear. Briefly, as he blue and green eyes looked up, she saw that Got’am was playing in the water too. He wasn’t as far out as she was, but that was okay—wait. Why’s I’s so far away? It as then that she suddenly realized her plight, and she began to struggle, paddling as fast as she could towards the shore. But the water wouldn’t let her and continued to force her into circles. Luckily for the pup, Mat-tea came to her rescue.

Amata smiled as she bumped into the older girl, a look of relief crossing her face. "Okays, Mat-tea," she panted, her tongue lolling out and inadvertently obtaining the salty water. At the compliment, Amata giggled with delight, although, because she was tired, her giggling sounded more like wheezes. "Thanks yous, Mat-tea! I’s learned from Anu!" Anu had taught Amata and now she remembered how to swim. That must mean that she was good at swimming. She was about to tell the violet-eyed girl about how she was the Princess Fish when Mat-tea called to Cambi that it was okay. The bi-coloured eyes turned to look at her sister (which took a great effort because her swimming skill was still new). Cambi was still on the shore! Amata thought that Cambi was sad because she was alone and no one was playing with her, so Amata called, "Iss okays, Cambi!" She called as loudly and as coherently as she could. Then, the creamy pup pushed off of the older girl that kept her from floating too far and paddled as fast as she could towards the shore. "I’s comin’!" Her efforts were more successful this time, and it wasn’t long before she was a her sister’s side.

Panting heavily, she smiled at Cambi. "We’s can plays here toos," Amata offered, still under the impression that Cambi was concerned because she was alone. Turning and finding Got’am, she called, "Come on, Got’am! Less play on the beach!" Her tail wagged happily, hoping that her brother would comply. She turned back to her shyer sister before she shook the water from her fur, forgetting that it would bet Cambi wet too. "Opps," she said, "sorries...." She giggled. "We’s can plays in the sand—remembers the stories Mamma and Dadda told us?" She paused so that Cambi could remember. "Theres was treasures in the sands!" she exclaimed excitedly, The creamy girl bounced up and down, splashing water everywhere. "Less go for a treasure hunts!" Her voice was loud so that Got’am and Mat-tea could hear too.


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