Take it

The girl had completely forgotten about the reason why she was here. It was a magnificent coincidence though since it had led to the meeting with one of her uncles. Vitium had perhaps deceived and betrayed them all, but he had pointed the way to these lands and even though Halo wished death upon him, she could not deny the fact that she was grateful for what she had now. If it had not been for him, she would possibly have stayed with her ivory mother and lived the disgraceful life of a wolf. That would have been an easier and less conflicted path to take, but the girl knew that this was her ideal life. She seemed to have all her dreams within reach, she just needed to figure out how to keep those fluttering little things in her hand long enough to absorb them and turn them into the reality she so ached for. Her problem was that she wanted everything at once, and when she did not get it instantly, that dangerous rage started boiling straight away. Halo had temperamental issues. She would be an ideal weapon if the right ingredients were added to improve the power of her wrath.

She pretended to get angry when he compared her to a newborn baby, but she detected the amusement in his voice. She could take a joke or two before the temperature rose. She wished it could be different though. He touched her face, and she leaned her face slightly against his hand, smiling innocently as only a little girl with a devious mind could. She knew how to act and to play the role of an innocent and cute little girl. She liked playing games. It was not too long ago that she had fooled around with a doggish hybrid not too far from this street. He had been drunk, true, but playing those seducing little games were extremely pleasurable. She had almost gone all the way, but fear had filled her head with silent screams before he had managed to penetrate her, and she had run away. One of the girl’s ears flickered for a moment as she browsed that memory. What she should have done was to tear him up while he had been so exposed. She was without routines and finesses. She liked it when males wanted her.

Coming back to scars, her lovely uncle was probably right. It was not the scars only she wanted. The stories had to come with too. She wanted each and every one of them to be a sweet memory. Kaena had lived for her clan and her family and it showed. The girl worshipped the older woman for that. She loved Kaena as a mother, and would do anything for her. On this point, Samael and Halo were quite similar. ”I’m not that strong though.” the girl admitted sadly as she thought about scars and killing people. She was not certain if she would ever be able to beat a fully grown male. Not ever. Not without some extra items. Besides, what she liked best, she believed, was actually delaying the death process. Addison and the rats for example. How wonderful it would have been to stand there half the night and listen to those screams of agony and watch her lovelies eat the girl’s eyes out while she still lived. ”I like to see them in agony. I like to watch them die.”


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