the devil's water, it ain't so sweet

........ The subject was dropped, and while Mew was relieved to see that, she was at the same time secretly disappointed in the lack of news. But, she might be lucky. Perhaps Geneva managed to sniff out something and came back to her with it. Even if she didn't want her to run around asking questions... If she did do that, and no one knew about Mew's part of it, then it wasn't so bad, was it? Oh, that damn curiosity of hers, she felt like some deceitful bitch sometimes. It sure was in her bloodline - Firefly was forever branded into her consciousness as the very image of deceit.

........ Smiling, her gaze traveled from Geneva's face onto nothing at all as she thought, trying to recall whether she had met anyone from Phoenix Valley before. Her memory might be failing her, but she thought she had not met anyone, although... No. She didn't think so. Then again she hardly remembered anything at all lately, so caught up in her home with Lubomir.

........ No, I don't think I have, actually. But I think I have relatives in your pack. Firefly, my cousin, she's the sister of DaVinci, no?

........ In truth, she knew most of her relatives by name, but hardly any of them in person. This DaVinci.. her cousin? She'd never met him. She'd never met her own father, either, but she knew his name, too. She had a mind for remembering all the names of her useless family, a family that never did anything but abandon her time and time again. Except Haku, Haku was her everything. After Lubomir, of course.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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