So we made our own computer


As she sat there huddled by the strangely warm hay she tried to block out the angry noises of the storm outside. It sounded like a monster, though a monster bigger than she had ever imagined. Like it wanted to gobble up the whole world instead of just little puppies. The thunder boomed and rumbled and she closed her eyes. Maybe if she couldn't see the lightning the thunder wouldn't be so scary. It didn't really work though and with a small whine she tried to ball herself up even tighter. Cambria wanted her family. The storm wouldn't be able to hurt her if she were with them. But right now she was horribly alone. She hated being alone.

Cream-tipped ears pick up noises that were not coming from outside, but from inside. Sea foam orbs opened widely, startled by the fact that she wasn't actually alone. The pup sat perfectly still and refused to let any sounds escape her. Right now the other thing could be nice or it could be mean. She saw a white form descend from above and move towards the doors to shut them and her heart seized with fear. Was it Naniko? No, no she wasn't allowed to be here. Mommy had made her leave for having that awful, awful powder. Slowly her brain realized that this wolf was not as big as the old leader though and she breathed more easily, though she was still cautious.

Even though she was being quiet and still the other wolf still saw her and came over to her. Cambria swallowed nervously, but the words that came from the older lady were nice. She liked being called a little miss. "I...I's okay...jus scaweds..." she said with another shiver. Maybe she was going to get the company she desired after all, even if it wasn't who she had wanted.


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