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This is kind of rambly and bad x.x 300+

Cambria hadn't had the slightest idea that Noir had come to look for her other times. It had probably happened when she was still sick and in the house all the time. That was a very large chunk of her life, or at least it seemed so to her. The amount of time that she had been around was still quite short, and she had been like that for a couple weeks or so, and so that was a lot of time. Noir probably could have come here to try and find her a hundred times in that span! Oh well though. Cambi was better now and Noir was here and they could just pick up where they had left off! At least that's what all the adults said it seemed when they met back up with friends. The pup whined with excitement as her friend confirmed that yes, she did want to go and see Leafy. The little cat-pill was her pride and joy and she couldn't wait to show him to her best friend.

As she had looked back to make sure the older pup was following, Noir came up alongside her and they ran as fast as they could to the mansion. Well, as fast as Cambria could run. The older wolf could run much much faster than she could. Though she was getting faster and more coordinated! Thankfully the house was really not that far away and before long its giant, looming structure came into sight. Sea foam eyes looked sideways to her friend to see what she thought of the big house. She remembered that Noir didn't live in a house, or she hadn't when she had met her. She lived in a funny hole in the ground like a bunny rabbit. That had seemed so silly to the manor-raised child. It was strange that not everyone lived in a similar building.

With some last exertions of effort the chocolate girl bounded up the stairs to the porch and the front door. Then she shoved her nose against the door, slowly working it open so they could slip through to the inside. Once in the entryway she motioned with her head to the stairs leading up to the second floor of the house. Leafy was in the room she and her family all shared. Large feet climbed the stairs deftly, used to the motions and walked directly to the open door of the room. There near the window was the large mason jar that held her cat-pill. Bright eyed she walked over and set the leaves down next to it. "I gots you more foods Leafy! An' look! Here is my bestest fwiend Noir!" Cambria looked to the blond girl expectantly.


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