teach them all how they can dance


He was so confident and brave. Even in the darkness she could make out the outline of his form, strong and proud. And then he confirmed that he would not let anything happen to her. That did much to qualm the young girl's fears. Where she was weak and scared, Gotham was strong. He would be her protector and with him she would try to overcome her problems. She really didn't want to dampen his fun and exploration. Though as he took a seat in front of her she was glad. It would give her the chance to muster her courage and gain the resolve to continue on with him into the unknown place before them. It was so good and nice of him to wait for her. He didn't have to, she knew, but she loved him for that kindness.

After a few moments of quiet contemplation and effort on her part he asked her if she was ready to go. A second or two passed and then she nodded her head. "Yahs, I readies now." Carefully the pup got back to her feet and shook herself to rid her coat of the dirt that surely was clinging to her belly. Even though with her it could be hard to tell sometimes, she didn't want to get too dirty. Her head moved to once again look behind her brother, though what she thought might be different now she wasn't sure. It was just as dark and secretive as the last time she had looked. The Marino took a deep breath and released it, nodding once again to her sibling. He could lead the way now and she would try not to hold him up anymore. Try, of course being the keyword, but she really would try her very hardest. He was doing his best to accommodate her and she would do the same for him.


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