So while you sit back and wonder why
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He turned. The woad bound maw was lifted from the respectful gesture and her white orbs beheld newly carved face. Mild surprise moved across the white gaze, although it was merely because she had not been expecting such a thing. It did not surprise her that Haku had engaged in battle, for such activities were natural for him. There was a hint of discontent, perhaps even a lick of envy, within the warrior who wished to know the battlefield once more. And yet, she must wait still despite the birth of her pups.

There was silence. But the silence that ensued was not one of shock or one of surprise, or indignation or fear. It was simply silent, a soundless voice with which she spoke. As she watched the larger male, the white orbs seemed to glimmer with something—an emotion perhaps, or a thought—but it was gone before it had formed a name, a shape, a colour. The tranquility seemed unmoved. "He has," the soft alto replied at length. Her white orbs continued to study him, her gaze calculating as if assessing the intensity of his rage and discontent. She had not wanted to displease Haku, but she had desired Onus’ presence and had not had the strength to travel to the dying city. "I desired his company." As I had once desired yours. That time had long since passed, killed by the Lilium before it had even blossomed within her inexperienced mind. But my desire for Onus is stronger, purer. The white orbs met the blue gaze with the effortless ease that seemed to characterize her. She wondered what occurred within the chocolate Lilium’s mind. She was not betraying him. She did not believe that that were the case. And the black fae had demonstrated her loyalty to him many times. Did he question it once more?

She took several steps forward, her movements fluid and seamless from her stillness. Their noses were a paw’s length distanced before she paused. The white orbs moved across his familiar face and noticed the unfamiliar marks. A defeat or a victory? "How did you come by these scars?" The alto song spoke as if she discussed the peculiarity of a scratch. The black fae recalled a time when she had been found wounded and Haku had come and licked her wounds. He had asked then who had done it, and he had gone to Inferni. There had been a time when their relationship had been less tenuous. Once, long ago it seemed, she had allowed him to be the first to deflower her. But now, she received only his anger, it seemed. How unfortunate it was, the Adonis thought, that such a thing was lost. But, as Dahlia’s Warrior, at least she could do the same for him as he had done for her. An attack was an attack whether he had lost or won. It depended, of course, upon who the perpetrator would be, but she could know such a thing only if he told her.


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